Energy check-up

Energy efficiency
  • The housing association will receive a report on the energy inspection findings and proposals for further measures.

Video from Ilmastoinfo YouTube channel.

  • Energy check-up of a housing company is a concept developed by Finnish Motiva, consisting of six sections:
  •  1. Inspection of heat distribution or boiler room equipment:
  •  Heat distribution room (LJH) sub-center: (1) Performance evaluation, (2) Possible need for renewal, (3) Cleanliness
  •  Checking the layouts of the adjustment curves and evaluating the possible need for changes
  •  Functional tests of district heating control valves: Closing the valve motors and checking that there is no flow through the valves
  •  Ensuring the tightness of the operational condition of the district heat exchangers (that there are no leaks in the plate heat exchangers)
  •  Evaluating the pre-pressures of the expansion vessels and ensuring a sufficient pre-pressure in relation to the needs of the property
  •  Ensuring the correctness of the alarm limits and defining the correct pressure levels of the heating and domestic water networks
  •  Operation and condition of the pumps
  •  District heating water cooling
  •  Checking the functioning of the meters
  •  In oil heating sites, flue gas analysis of the boiler in operation.
  •  2. Inspection of the operation of the heat distribution network in the public areas of the property and in at least two apartments on different sides of the building:
  •  Operation of radiator thermostats and valves
  •  Measuring the internal temperature.
  •  3. Checking the functioning of the ventilation system:
  •  Correspondence of the visiting hours to the property's operating hours for facilities and service areas
  •  Checking the forced connections based on the operation diagram: (1) Closing and operation of damper motors, (2) Operation/stopping of fans, (3) Ensuring the operation of the heating coil's frost protection
  •  Operation of the control valve of the post-heating coil
  •  General cleanliness of IV machines, cleanliness of filters and types of filters
  •  Condition of fans and possible need for bearings, checking V-belt drives (if any)
  •  Heat recovery: (1) Heat recovery efficiency, (2) Operation of heat recovery dampers In buildings with an apartment-specific ventilation machine, the inspection is performed on at least two IV machines.
  •  4. Water:
  •  Checking the pressure level of the water supply network and the hot domestic water as well as the return temperature of the circulation.
  •  Find out the need for the use of a pressure relief valve.
  •  5. Energy and water consumption:
  •  Heat, electricity and water consumption levels and trends, as well as a comparison with the consumption level of similar properties (for example RT 103003 Residential property condition assessment, condition assessor instructions).
  •  6. Checking the operation of lighting in public spaces:
  •  Lighting controls and appropriateness.
  •  What is the magnitude of lighting's share of the property's total electricity consumption (courtyard and general areas of the property).
  •  Technical lifespan of the lighting.
  •  Is LED lighting suitable for the current lamps or is it worth completely renovating the lighting system.
  •  If you are interested to know more, read more here:
  • Energy check-up reporting:
  •  Making comments on observed defects and deficiencies
  •  Procedure presentations (operational technical measures and investments)
  •  Recommended additional clarification needs regarding measures that the Building Company probably has potential opportunities to improve energy efficiency, but which require additional clarification: (1) Alternative heating systems and an assessment of their profitability, including geothermal heat, PILP, air-water heat pump, solar heat and electricity, waste water heat recovery, (2) Intelligent regulation and control and elasticity of demand, (3) Structural energy efficiency possibilities (top floor, windows, doors, facade)
  •  Indicative assessment of the housing association's possibility to use the energy subsidy (based on the building's original heating method and the renovations carried out). Note: does not include the calculations needed to apply for the subsidy.
  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Those carrying out the survey must have an engineering training in the field of HVAC or equivalent knowledge.
  •  The bidder's service covers at least the minimum content of Motiva energy check-up specification. Read more here:
  •  Previous experience in implementing an Energy Survey in a housing association (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Member of the “Trusted partner” -system or is otherwise able to provide evidence for fulfilling contractor's liability requirements
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Offer needs to include also Energy certificate for the housing association.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.